Sunday, January 22, 2012

Now, when I say "Runner by Nature," what I really mean is...

I like to run...
... or race.
...for a PR.
...just for fun.
...after swimming and biking.
...before a big slice of chocolate cake.
...on the road.
...on the trails. the rain. the wind.
...through the snow.
...after dark.

You get it. I like to run, it comes naturally to me. The problem is, I am also human. I get lazy. I get discouraged. I make excuses (like I am doing right now).

This year (I would say "season" but I have races year-round), I have a couple new challenges and am looking forward to spending a lot of them with my hubby.  I have listed my races at right.

Hope to see you along the way!

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